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Net Enrolment Ratio of School-age Children in Primary Schools


Unit:in 10 Thousand

年份 Net Enrolment Ratio of School-age Children in various regions.
Year 全国学龄儿童数 已入学学龄儿童数 入学率(%)
  Total No. of School-age Children No. of School-age Childen Enrolled Net Enrolment Ratio
1965 11603.2 9829.1 84.7
1980 12219.6 11478.2 93.0
1985 10362.3 9942.8 95.9
1990 9740.7 9529.7 97.8
1999 12991.4 12872.8 99.1
2000 12445.3 12333.9 99.1
2001 11766.4 11561.2 99.1
2002 11310.4 11150.0 98.6
2003 10908.3 10761.6 98.7
2004 10548.1 10437.1 98.9
Enrolment Ratio of school-age children before 1991 was calculated on the basis of primary 
school pupils aged 7-11 enroled. From 1991 onwards its calculation has taken account of the  
age of entry and the length of schooling prevailing



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